What an exciting year 2011 will be!  I am officially in my second trimester today and the baby is about the size of a lemon according to the weekly email I get.  I'm ready for a baby bump instead of looking like I have a beer gut.  Pants are definitely getting tighter around the middle - but luckily nowhere else!  I have my next doctor's appointment next week so we'll see how much, if any, weight I have gained. 
This past week has been a bit of a bummer because I came down with a cold and have felt like a truck ran over me.  And being pregnant, there's not much in the way of medicine that I can take.  So for about a week I was taking Robitussin every 4 hours and a Benadryl at night and drinking lots of hot water with lemon.  I finally called my ob-gyn on Monday and asked if there was anything else I could take or do because I was just miserable.  She called in a Z-pak for me to my pharmacy that I picked up on my way home from work.  I'm not 100% yet but I do feel a lot better.  At least it's giving my nose a break and I can breathe again.  My poor nose looked like Rudolph's there for a couple of days - red and raw.  And I was putting Vaseline on it because it hurt so bad so then it was shiny and red and raw.

I'm going to talk about my New Year's Resolutions in another post soon (I'm tired and ready for bed right now) but I was excited and wanted to share my second trimester news!

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