So, I've been reading about South Africa, after some research on the up and coming film "The Bang Bang Club". It's about the riots and final wars during the last days of the apartheid and the photographers that brought those chilling images to us. Well, there is a new humanitarian problem. There is a two fold increase of poverty in South apartheid. It's not the black people, but the white people. Afrikaans and Afrikaners are severely being impacted by the taxes and violence. It's being called "reverse discrimination". Everything that is being done to them, was being done to the black south africans in the 90's.

So, my question is: KARMA or INJUSTICE?
Is this just the universe balancing out the scales and these people are the new victims of an unfortunate trickle down? Or, Is there a serious problem at hand? But still, the same arguement can be made. What about this situation deserves action? Black Africans have been extremely poor for ages!!! So does this situation require action because the people in question are white???  History has always lended it's humanitarianism to the marginalized europeans of the world. But when ever brown people are involved...things take longer and don't get lengthy aid.

In my opinion, poverty of any kind is disgusting. So, these people being white rages me the same way it does when I see Sudanese/Congolese/Somalian corpses in ditches. The same strings are plucked. Is this the next big humanitarian project? Will it be resolved more quickly? Are you upset? If so, Why?
Personally, I feel somewhat torn because I believe in the power of the universe and karma, but I'm always on the side of humanitarianism...Especially when it involves racism.

Here's A Short Video About The Issue At Hand.


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