Well, after my 15 week check-up, I discovered that I still had not gained any weight.  Which is odd because I definitely have a belly and I certainly haven't been skipping any meals.  And this leads me to 1 of 2 New Year's Resolutions.  My first NYR is to eat more!  How many times in my life will that be number 1??  But I am excited to continue to eat more than normal - and I will try to keep it healthy.

My second NYR is to work on my side consulting business.  I have done a little bit of accounting/bookkeeping consulting for small businesses and I want to grow this into a full time gig.  My goal is to not have to go back to Triad after the baby is born.  My dream is to have a home based business that I can work on when I have the time and energy - no more commuting! And most quickbooks work is remote, so I can do it from home in my pj's. 

My last announcement related to baby is that we have scheduled the next ultrasound to hopefully find out what it is!  It is scheduled for February 14th, Valentine's Day!  (And Hannah's 21st b-day!).  I have never looked forward to a Valentine's Day like I am this year!  So, with that news, I am going to see if I can add a poll for people to vote boy or girl.  I have one up on the whiteboard at work, and boy is just beating out girl after one week.  There's a lot more people in the office that need to come vote, so this should be interesting to see.  And I can honestly say, I don't feel like I have a "mother's intuition" about it.  Justin and I would both like a boy first, so I think that just for wishing it that way, we'll have a girl.  But I really don't feel one way or the other.  We will hopefully find out in a couple of weeks!

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