So yesterday I e-mailed Gabby aka the founder of in other words she's the blogger.

Q : Gabby, If you were to get another AG doll who and why would she be?  Hmm..... I would have to say either Jess, MAG 47, or MAG 41.
Q How did you get your first AG doll? My first AG doll was Kirsten Larson. When I was visiting my cousins I walked in on my older cousin and my aunt with an American Girl catalogue. I told my aunt I really wanted a doll and she said I could have- just as long as I paid half. I chose Kirsten Larson and got Kirsten's Mid-Summer outfit.
Q If you were famous which AG doll celebrity would you want to hang out with? Madison Pettis,Zahara Jolie Pit or Suri Cruz? Hmm.....  I haven't heard of most them but I'd say Zahara Jolie Pitt.
Q Who is your fave AG doll and why? I don't have a favorite- I love all of mine!
: If you were to create one AG doll outfit describe it. Hmmm.... well you can check out this video to say the outfit I would like!
Q If you were to get a mini doll who would it be? Maybe Kaya, Felicity, or Elizabeth.

So there you go an interview with Gabby!

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