WELCOME! To the very first AG contest for AG dolls!
 The contestants will compete with each other for the prize Kirsten! In order for them to win Kirsten they must say their speeches on why they think they should win Kirsten.Then it's up to you to vote on the poll.

Our  first contestant is Mia St.Clair!

Q : Mia why do you think you should win mini Kirsten?
A : I think I should win her because after a long season of skating I worked hard (sound of Mia crying) My mom always told me that I was very responsible and mature for my age. I also think I should receive Kirsten because um I read all her books. I also don't have any AG dolls but Julie lets me borrow Samantha.

Our next contestant is Bella (aka Isabelle)  She is a JLY doll not a MAG doll.

Q : Bella why do you think you should win Kirsten?
A :  I think I should win her because I don't have any AG dolls I also think I should win her because well..... um............ I LOVE AG and yeah I'm also not that very good at making speeches like Caelen he he! Ok enough fooling around I just really want her. I try to work VERY hard in school but I'm not very good in some subjects but I LOVE to spell! I just really want her I also want her because she's archived! I would like to receive her because like Mia I read all of Kirsten's books actually Mia read all of my Kirsten books I let her borrow 'em.
Next up is every one's fave Julie Albright!!!!!!!!!

Q : Julie why do you think you should win Kirsten?
A : I think I should win mini Kirsten because right now I am apparently collecting AG dolls I already have Sam (Samantha) It would be nice to win Kirsten. But I doubt it. But the reason why I came here today is that I  think I should win Kirsten because I grew up in the 1970's to be exact 1974 and we NEVER had toys like AG dolls so I want to have another one I think I deserve her because I work really hard and everything so yeah that's why i think I should win her.
Our last Contestant is Felicity Meriman!
Q : Felicity why do you think you should win Kirsten?
A : Well first of all Kirsten was mine and Caelen wanted us to have a contest for us girls of hers (sound of Felicity crying) and  she couldn't find anything that we could win so I let her use my doll and I want Kirsten back. (Sound of Felicity crying)
That's it for now! To find out who will win it's your choice so just scroll down to the bottom of the page and vote!
~ Caelen12

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