At A&M, getting your official Aggie ring is pretty much as important as earning the diploma. As a matter of fact, I went through all of the rigamaroo to get my ring but didn't even bother walking the stage at graduation - I had my diploma mailed to me. I really wanted to be there for Hannah's ring day, but I could not take off of work that Friday - we had this company wide motivational coach/speaker thing that I couldn't get out of. So I had Justin go in my stead. Hannah's roommate and her boyfriend, as well as Jacob as soon as he got out of class, were also there with her.



Here it is!

It's a special deal who gets to put the new ring on, Justin did it for Hannah. Nobody was with me when I got mine :( and I am still bitter about that. Hannah remarked that he has now put a ring on two Palmer girls' hands. His reply, "Next, I'm going for the trifecta!" So watch out Mom!


With our "little" brother:

Group shot:

I hurried into College Station as soon as I could from downtown Houston so we could all go out to dinner. So finally, some sister pictures:

Everybody always says that Hannah looks older than me. Until now, I've never understood that. But I really think in this picture she looks so much older than she is, and definitely older than me. You wouldn't believe we are 5 years apart from this picture!

I am so proud of my sister!

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