1.) James Franco
Everyone thinks he's sex on fire...He's pretty cute...but I guess I'm a vapid sapiosexual and the fact that he's studying for his PhD is super HOTT!

2.) MTV and GAGA
F*CK YOU!!! They are the official felacio suppliers for Lady Gaga and any industry creation. I'm not going to go into why I'm not a fan...or impressed. Maybe it's because she rips off Madonna and does everything out of shock value. I find it interesting how she has managed to strip down the conventional ideals of beauty. As a feminist, I appreciate that. But seriously, that's it!

He's a vacuum and he's the very thing that makes me cringe. A blind man with "power" who IS A GENIUS! It's sickening. I'm drawn to his confidence but nothing under the sun is original.
I think Asher Roth sums up my feeling precisely...
"Aside from his poor acting and spandex tight slacks, Kanye West's short film, Runaway, is a beautiful, inspiring and moving piece of art. The composition in a few of these shots is breathtaking and shiver inducing. Though, there are a few shots that could have been done without. In an attempt to create controversy and publicity, I think Kanye took away some potential from this film by placing red hooded KKK/Bohemian Grove Worshippers in the ritual/parade scene. And I'm sure critics are going wild over Kanye's use of all white servants at the all black dinner. But this was already done fifteen years ago in the Pharacyde's Runnin' video, so I wouldn't get all worked up about it. Also, there is some sort of preaching poet at the end of the track "Hell of a World," which closes the film. This poet spouts his disapproval for the ideals that America was built upon. He condemns freedom and calls it a "rapist" which has apparently destroyed the nations of the world. He speaks of a revolution in the New World and if he's condemning freedom and America, this revolution is of course, a socialist revolution. Without freedom you can't be a socialist, you can't worship the devil or be a Christian or take a vacation or do anything that would want to do. And you surely wouldn't be allowed to listen to Kanye's political views either... but why would you want to do that? Excluding the misinformed preaching poet friend, tasteless lyrics and poor acting, Kanye shows us all that he's still one of the top producers in the industry and has developed an impeccably great taste for material items and art"

You should see the massive terds that people dropped on his comment box...over this statement. I'm convinced that people HATE the truth. -Good On Ya Asher.

4.) M.I.A Haters.
These people are BRUTAL! e.i.: Hipster runoff.
They prove that she is a legit rebel...Not the fake ones who are liked for being a tid bit (confortably) different. She's real...at least to me:) I believe in what she's trying to do. She's not out have followers, I think she wants people to be their own leaders. She's not a shephearder and I LOVE that about her! She's great.

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