Doo-Dah is a pretty chill cat; not much can faze him. Dog chewing on his neck, legs and ears, no problem; 2 year old hitting him on the head (trying to pet him), whatever; Justin spinning him around in circles on the tile floor, more please. But when his playmate, Bella, decided he would make a comfy pillow, he had to squirm away.

This was Doo-Dah chilling when I decided to take a picture of him:

Of course Bella followed me over to him, so when I told her to lay down so she wouldn't step all over the cat, she obliged:

It didn't take long for Doo-Dah to get out from underneath the dog, but he did continue to lay next to her, rubbing his head on Bella to get her to play. I tried to get a picture of Doo-Dah biting on Bella's jowls (which he does to get her to play with him), but I just couldn't get a good shot. Another time...

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