I just had to share these pictures of Doo-Dah enjoying his new scratch pad. First of all, the cats love scratch pads, so they are used constantly. I saw this unique one at the pet store and figured I'd try it. It's actually two different pieces that fit together so I can arrange them a couple of different ways as the cats scratch them up. However, Doo-Dah loves it like this because it has become his napping perch.
On a side note, I tried to bring a cat home with me that Justin and I found while out on a walk with Bella today. He was an orange cat (like my cat I grew up with, Bernie) and very friendly. I actually picked him up and carried him about a quarter of a mile to the house with no problem...until Justin opened the garage door. He freaked out and twisted out of my arms. Also, I did not plan to "keep" him, rather I wanted to put some food out on the front porch for him and let him stay outside. But I guess it wasn't meant to be; he ran and hid under a car so I went ahead and opened a can of wet cat food and left it outside for him. I hope he finds it and gets a good meal tonight.

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