I had about the busiest weekend I've had in a long time, and it was all without Justin! It started Thursday on my drive home from work. I was talking to Mom on the phone because I knew she and Jacob had gone to College Station for Jacob to take a "College Day". I decided on my way home to drive to College Station that night. So I got home, packed a bag, fed the animals, and threw the dog in the car and made my way to CS. I went straight to Hannah's intramural soccer game to watch her play (with the dog, mind you) because I have NEVER seen her play before. The one game of hers I went to when she was in high school she didn't play. And then her boyfriend came over so Mom could meet him so it was a fairly late night (for me, anyway). Then on Friday, Mom, Jacob, and I went and got my car inspected (I didn't want to take it here in Houston and have to pay for the emissions test - and my car is registered in a non-emissions county anyway), then went to lunch. Jacob was forced to be with us while we did some shopping at Bed, Bath, and Beyond which he so thoroughly enjoyed. After that, we dropped him off on campus so he could go play games in the computer lab then returned to our shopping at Charming Charlie's (I LOVE that place). After picking Jacob back up, we went back to the house where I loaded up and left to head back to Houston. That was about 3:00. Once back home, I unloaded the car and got ready to go out because I had to drive up to Tomball for one of my girlfriend's birthday. We went out to dinner then to a bar for a couple of drinks before I headed home (we are such old folks, we were done with the bar by 11:15). I made it home just after midnight. Then the next morning (Saturday), I had to be up early and outside to help my neighbor do my yardwork. He's helping with the mowing/edging while Justin is gone (we have some great neighbors). I basically pulled weeds while he did the hard part, then helped sweep up the trimmings. Finally! I had some down time until Saturday evening when I went into town to meet Justin's family for a late birthday dinner for Taylor. I left soon after as I was just exhausted. On Sunday morning, I took Bella to the dog park and let her run around for awhile, gave her a bath before we left, and headed over to Petsmart. I needed some more kitty litter and she was so worn out that she was very well behaved. While we were there, I decided to get her nails grinded out, so I killed 2 birds with one stone. We made it home and it was only 1:30. For as much as we had done, I felt like it should have been 5:00 already. Anyway, I ended up running to the grocery store for a few things I really needed (I usually try to avoid HEB on the weekends like it's the plague, but I really needed some milk!) before making it back home before my Aunt Julia came over. We chatted for awhile and I sent her home with some of Dad's smoked sausage - I'm cleaned out now, so I need some more! (Hint Hint Dad! Justin will be coming back through soon!) So, that finally concluded my weekend. I can't wait for this weekend - I'm planning on doing nothing all day, both days!

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