Need I say more? For Christmas I received a pack of 5 classes to This place has yoga, pilates, even belly dancing classes. However, they offer several classes that are in a heated room, hence Hot Yoga. And by heated I'm talking 120 degrees, plus humidity machines. This is not for the faint of heart. The first time I went, Hannah came with me. She had to step out of the room after about 10 minutes because she was on the verge of passing out. Actually, very few people remain for the entire class (it's 90 minutes long) or they take breaks by just sitting out on a few poses. I have stayed the entire time for all the classes I have gone to but I do have to take breaks and rest sometimes. The instructors say even if you come and only sit on the mat the entire time, it's better than constantly going in and out of the room. They say your body needs to adjust to the heat, even if you can't do any of the moves while you're there. It truly is a fun way to exercise and I feel so good and sweaty when I'm done, but I wouldn't necessary recommend this to a beginner. (I have gone to a handful of regular yoga classes before.) But do not eat within a few hours of the class and drink lots of water if you ever want to attempt this!

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