Warning to all women who try on clothes at a store; shake them out first. I was at the Target by my house, which is a nice, big, clean, newer Target and was trying on some shirts. I stuck my hand inside the black shirt I was about to try on and felt something weird on my hand. As I pushed it through the arm hole, my hand came out with a HUGE cockroach on it. No joke. I flung my hand and it flew to the mirror. I was thisclose to running out of the dressing room screaming blue bloody murder without a shirt on. The only thing that kept me from doing so was the fact that I knew there were some guys in the dressing room. I managed to quickly grab my shirt and put it on before quickly exiting the dressing room, shaking. I told the ladies at the desk, where they were like, "oh yeah, I saw that cricket earlier." I replied, "No, not a cricket, a cockroach, and it was INSIDE the shirt I was about to try on." Then they started to hand ME something to kill it with. I was like, umm, no, I don't think so. I backed away and made the employee go do it. I only followed her back to the room so I could grab my purse. I told the girl as I left that the clothes and the little number they gave me were in the room and they could get them because I wasn't going back in there. So beware shoppers what could be lurking in clothes you are trying on. I rarely shop at Target as it is, but I don't think I will be going back anytime soon. It still gives me the heebie-jeebies thinking about it!

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