My first blog post! I created this blogspot as a way to keep everybody in touch with what is going on in Justin and my lives'. We have had so many changes lately that I wanted to be able to post pictures and keep everybody updated--and I thought this might be easier than email. In the past 6 months, Justin and I got married (6 months exactly to yesterday!), Justin graduated from Texas A&M, we both moved to Houston where we bought a house, and we have essentially both started new jobs. We also acquired a pet snake and 2 kittens to add to the dog we already had. Now we have started buying furniture and other household items, so everybody can watch us grow and accumulate. And when the day comes that we have children, the Grandparents can easily get updates by checking the blog. Even if I become too busy to actually write anything, I would at least try to get pictures posted. I have seen several of my friends do this, and I enjoy catching up with their lives through their postings and pictures. So, enjoy, and check back occasionally to see what else is new in our lives!

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