Dress- Zara
Shoes- All saints
Cardigan- Unknown/back of wardrobe

I appear to have become obsessed with this particular shade of orange- Bloog orange I like to call it.

This cardigan I have had for years! I cannot remember where I got it from as there is no longer a label and I have sewn up more holes in it than I care to remember, but it goes with everything, is the perfect thickness for layering/spring and the colour is perfect nothingness.
The shoes I got in a flash sale- 50% off, so naturally I bought them in two colours- Its justifyable when you get two for the price of one!

Today was my final day of essay torture at Uni! essays have been the bane of my life for the past two weeks! Finally done, whoop!!

The building behind me is apt for so many reasons... prospects indeed.

Have had the most bazaar day,on the way to a photo shoot this morning i stopped to get a coffee which resulted in me getting a clamp on my car and a £150 release fee. Most expensive cup of coffee I have ever had- although it was pointed out to me that will be about as much as I will pay in St Marks square for one in Venice, but that's aloud as it Italian- This was Starbucks.
At work today I was a 'Lynx' angel (my random array of jobs continues) I was rewarding a very sweet young man his gift of a free trip to LA courtesy of Lynx. Their stock just went up, considerably!
I now want to wear wings in every day life, don't see how that would be a problem?

Roll on one week when the Italian job starts- I cannot wait to get some sun, coffee and pasta in Italy, Bellissimo!!

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