When you were young, your house was cold and beaten and full of blues. Mourners trailed through, leaving behind watery handshakes and little pools of rain. The room next to yours was preserved like a time capsule, but yours had windmills on the walls.

When I was young, I was near mute. Dad, drunk, is convinced of a smell of vinegar from behind the fridge. My mother, with limited patience, but more than could be expected, explains that he's mistaken. The argument gains ferocity during the piss-bubbled evening. Dad, the rocket-fuelled instigator, would pay for his noxious houseclouds. Shame, the wallpaper of my life.

When we were young, we built a secret tower of flesh-flavoured empathy. Your hips rose, stretching the confines of your drum-tight skin. Your chest shook with beating blood. Smelling of cherry blossoms, strands of your black hair stuck to my lips and my hands nestled in the notches of your spine. Tears battled their way down your slender neck but perished between our pressing skin. Your chest shook with beating blood, and all I could see was windmills on the walls.
Hey guys!!!!!!!!
  I was looking on ebay for some AG books and look what I found!!!!!!!!
  All three dolls with archived Samantha & Nellie with a "Just Like You" doll with a Kit book and a mini Addy book all that for only $75!!!!!!!!!!!
  Happy bidding if anyone on my blog goes and bis and win come back and tell me!!!!!!!!!

We all need some time to ourselves- just a few minutes a day to get reacquainted with the one who's been there from the beginning

Many tracks infultrate their way into my daily soundtrack.. this is one particular tune that reminds me of where and how i want to be right now.. in a mustang, top down, with fantastic company on an open road, in the sun..(que cheesy katie perry montage)
Hey guys so I've been getting e-mails with questions on what to do on when your starting a blog? Well............ when I started my blog I did it with the help of my dad. But I got bored with the color so I changed it but that's the story of my blog.Anyways, here are my tips on getting started,help and do's and dont's
1.   If you don't know
how to get a blog started/don't have an e-mail ask an adult for help with your account.
2.Take some time and think about what your blog is gonna be about.
3. Once you've got your name for your blog and you know what you blog is about choose your template. Your template should be based on what your blog is about or just what you want it to look like!!!! ;)
4. Once you've got your template and your finished everything make your first post it should be a welcoming post to welcome people.
                                         Do's And Dont's
- wright posts on what ever your blog is about if it's like a fan club wright about news on whom ever or what ever your blog is about. (Example:Today,
Selena Gomez was in London with best bud Taylor Swift.).
- do sometimes ask people what they want you to post about. Don't get stressed about it if you get all these ideas. Just do what I do wright posts and than save them than in a few days or weeks publish 'em.
- wright polls sometimes so you know what people think about it
- don't go to other people's blogs or websites just to wright a comment saying come check out my blog/website first of all it may not even be visible and second of all it's rude
- when you do helping posts (example:I got a few e-mails from people asking if I could do some sort of a give away). Don't list names but if you really really want to ask for permission
- when you go to other people's blogs just to get more followers don't just do it because you want followers do it if you like their blogs/blog who knows you may even make a new friend?

I'm sorry, Mia that you my followers dosn't show up on your screen I'll help you create an account.

all about man emo hair style
all about man emo hair style
all about man emo hair style
Hey guys I'm finally feeling better!!!!!!! But I'm still taking A LOT of medicine though.
  Do you guys like my new BG (back ground)? In case you don't know what it is it's snow on the ground. I did it like this to promote winter coming!!
  See I live in Canada so we always get a little snow.Well actually we get A LOT of snow. But we didn't get that much snow last year though.But we may this year!!!But the last few years (not last year) we got snow up to like 6 feet!!! But we may this year!!! I'm in Gr.4 and that means for me at my school I'm finally old enough to be a junior, my school goes up to Gr.8 and since I'm a junior that means I get to play in the big yard!!!!! Don't let my excitement fool you, in Canada their could be A LOT of snow in some areas and a little snow in others but either way I always get a cold yet freezing winter. And it's almost December yay my b-day's coming up soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  But I'm not gonna get many presents for my b-day my mom & Aunt got me AG doll for my b-day my Aunt got me Julie and my mom got me Felicity but they said they were still gonna get me a little something.
  Ooh I'm just so excited for my b-day (Dec 12th) & Christmas. I forgot to tell you guys I'm a catholic too; sorry. But if you notice in:Christmas it say Christ so it should really be pronounced Christ-m-a-s-
That's it for now!!!!!!!!!


And here it is.. the new do! Not quite sure as to why some of the images look like mild child porn, i was trying to get a view of all angles and somehow ended up looking like an abused child...

I got so totally sick of having long hair and the bleach was making my hair snap at an alarming rate... so i have had it all cut and died back chocolate brown (natural hues and all that) ... what i mean to say is i cut and dyed it myself, i never trust hairdressers, they always get it oh.so.wrong.
It is now sort of a cross pollination between the Shannyn Sosoman and Johnny Depp pictures above.
Will post some pics once i have the energy to take them as i got next to no sleep last night on account of crashing my car :S bad times!
Hey guys,
I'm SO sorry I haven't posted much lately it's just that at the beginning of the week I was busy with school work & stuff and that's when it all started on Wednesday........................... I wasn't feeling too well. I was coughing,shivering/uncontrollable body temperatures,lots of fevers and I threw up twice.The Doctor told me I had bronchitis
  I just didn't have the energy to get on the computer. In fact I'm coughing so loudly and sniffing.
  By now you may be thinking that I'm lying but see bronchitis runs in my family. But I know I can fight it I've had bronchitis two times before.
 I'll post more when I'm feeling better.


Hat: ebay
Jacket: topshop unique
Tshirt: ex- boyfriends
Bag: Topshop unique
Jeans: vintage
Doc martins: vintage

This hat makes me look like a rabbi in certain situations... however, this does not stop me wearing it.
Again with the inspector gadget/delboy jacket- i love this piece because you can throw it over absolutely anything and it instantly makes you look and feel like you haven't put a second thought to it.. bringing you closer to the never ending quest for 'effortlessly cool'
My doc martins are so broken in now that they feel like slippers and my affinety for any sort of headwear comes in handy when i tend to only wash my hair once or twice a week.

Just returned from my reading week in London. Spent my days wandering from one end of the city to the other; Tate modern to see Ai Weiweis exhibition of 100 million sunflower seeds.. the sheer scale of it was mind blowing!! My friend and i then continued for to look at the rest of the exhibitions and exploded into fits of giggles at pieces of clay that looked like feces (i know, soo mature) We then wandered over to Soho, picking up books from a vintage market, browsing seedy sex shops, in which i witnessed some of the most explicit imagery i have ever seen and stopping for numerous amounts of coffees along the way. Ended the evening with frozen yogurt.

The next instalment of culture central was the V&A and the national history museum, the room full of natural pyrite and rocks brought upon a serious spout of inspiration and i have decided to start a new project with them as my reference... more to follow on that!

The most perfect bag that also happens to be a historical relic

I will continue to covet the front panels of this dress

My last night consisted of Dim sum in Knights bridge and meeting up with friends for cocktails in Eclipse in South Kensington. Oh London how i love thee, until next time mi amore xx

This is Willow Smith... Will and Jada Smiths diamond incrusted offspring...
she's 10?!?! what the hell, when i was 10 i was playing with my little ponies in my spice girl t-shirt.
Is it wrong that i kind of want to be her??
Hey guys so I was doing my regular browsing on emily-rose.com and Isawthey were selling silly bands for your dolls! Here's the link! http://www.dollsclothes-emilyrose.com/Doll-Silly-Rubber-Band-Bracelets-p/ins919.htm
   Here's the link for silly bands for you : http://www.dollsclothes-emilyrose.com/Girl-Silly-Rubber-Band-Bracelets-p/ins920.htm
  I think I may get the silly bands for my doll & me.


~ Caelen
ZigZag Wanderer kept on the move and in the groove. He was non-linear and strayed the course. When life felt like a tether, when gravity was a complete downer, he cut the ties that held him down. He gathered the stars and crushed them to dust, they fizzed on his tongue and made his head rush. He rolled like thunder, in a shroud of static, looking for someone to stir up a storm with.

ZigZag Wanderer veered here and there, sometimes up, sometimes down, but always maybe happenin'. Then one night at Chico's he felt a different kind of pull. He was being drawn like a bad cartoon. Riding high on the back an the oriental dragon, ZigZag double-taked, unzipped his eyelids and stood still in silent awe. She danced like a flame in the centre of a grand circle of bodies. The others, in their various psychedelic threads were like still-life, pieces of fruit, stunned into inertia by the moving body of life and light. ZigZag felt it in the steamy den amid the dazzled dreamers, sizzled sceners and every single saturated sponge in search of zen. Yeah, she was a stone groove.

ZigZag weaved his way through all sorts of colourful cats, and came at her from an angle. Exotic ladies swayed and sasheyed around, and he was headed off at the pass. ZigZag found one on each arm. There was a pipe and the walls bubbled and melted and ran like dark, red paint. Zwischenzug was a good idea - ZigZag had to play it cool and play for time. He threw one eye in her direction, bounced on the floor nearby, squelched and squinted, kept her in ZigZag's sights.

ZigZag was drawn, but so were the curtains of his vision. Music melded with beating hearts in one, slowed-down rhythm. Every thing slowed down and then . . .

Now Zugzwang got ZigZag bad - stuck fast, struck dumb, unable to move. He could see her drift away like smoke. So long ZigZag, his eyelids zipped themselves shut, and his body turned to fluid and quietly pooled on the floor.
Now ZigZag rides a zebra in the hot air of morning. A concrete pillow is not such a stone groove, horny cars harp on and ZigZag zigzags off the street. Like a flash flood, memory washes down. Wet with longing he wonders where she went. Was she a smoke signal, a waft from a wigwam or a wisp caught in an updraught? Was she a mish-mash of imagination, or a mirage at the desert of hallucination?

ZigZag wonders, ponders, wanders.

Finally the last instalment of my sisters birthday bonanza! We had an 80's themed party (originally 80's rock star, but everyone wanted to come as kiss so we scrapped it) It was an extremely messy affair and i woke up with pot noodle in my hair... suffice to say it was a good one.
Absolutely amazed by some of the outfits, people went all out! check Mr T and Maggie Thatcher!!! My costume fell through last minute so I went as Adam Ant, this took little to no effort on the outfit front and i don't know what that says about my wardrobe as i had all the ingredients to create a camp pirate in no time at all.
75% of the people there realised who i was, the other 25% thought i was just an extrovert with a white line on my face and string in my hair.... and I'm OK with that.
Hey guys so I got some e-mails from you guys and I'm gonna answer them! Remember I asked these guys if I could post their questions on my blog. They did not want their names shown.
Q : Caelen,
Is your blogger user name Caelen one two or Caelen twelve?
And either way why is it Caelen one two or Caelen twelve?
A :  It's Caelen12 as in Caelen twelve.
  I put Caelen12 as my user name because Caelen wasn't available ans 12 is my lucky number.
Q : Caelen how old are you because I'm eight and I want a blogger my age.
A : I am 8 yrs. old.
Q : Caelen,
my BFF, Chelsea said that you and her are cousins is that true?
P.S. Caelen,
Your awesome!
A : I don't know anybody named Chelsea and all the cousins I do have are all boys. :)
Q :  Dear Caelen
What # is your JLY doll and what's her name??
A : My JLY's name is Bella but it's short for Isabelle.
She's JLY # 25.
I hoped I helped you guys and if anyone else has any more questions click on my " Contact Me Page"
or if you want to e-mail me right now e-mail me at  CaelenN12@gmail.com or caelen12@hotmail.com

~ Caelen12
P.S. I can't wait to hear from you!! :)
Hey guys.
   The reason I'm sad is because I haven't got a single comment for the post " Who Copied Who?" I just really thought that post was gonna be a hit I spent almost three hours looking for other 18" inch dolls or other dolls taller or shorter than 18" inch doll and I only get 3 page views.
  I'm also sad because on Tuesday the 9th wich was a few day ago one of my BFF's moved away.
  And the last reason I'm sad is because for my other blog http://caelen12-frommypointofview.blogspot.com/
I only got one follower which was  Hannah Wright and thank-you Hannah for also commenting on my other blog.
  I hope I didn't sound too mean I'm just pretty sad now and on top of the fact I think it was last week my dad woke up and his arm was all numb so he had to go the hospital and get his arm in one of those sling things. And by the way my dad's in Denmark and  he's right handed so he couldn't send me any e-mails or letters.
I really hope I didn't offend anybody or hurt anyone's feeling and I'm sorry if I did I'm just really sad right now. :)

P.S. Please follow on my other blog it's : http://caelen12-frommypointofview.blogspot.com/
thanks!! :) 

This blog is fastly becomming about my perving on men.. i swear im not some sort of preditory maneater.
Kravitz... when he had it all.
ME: Thrifted head band
zara cape
zara shirt
j brand kick flares
topshop wedges
AMY: Topshop faux fur
Topshop shoes
My vintage lace shift
My Topshop unique rucksack

Day two of my sisters celebrations... it's a three day affair.
We went to the fantastic Hannahannah for some Teppenyake- I am still so in awe of the chefs who perform this art form, i got so caught up in the moment that i didn't realise my embarrassingly loud clap had caused all the other tables to turn around and look! We then went to Tokyo for some amazing strawberry and raspberry cocktails (jokes about going from a Japanese restaurant to Tokyo ensued... gotta love fathers) This quickly turned into an impromptu night out resulting in get rich quick schemes, school girls, tears and a £40 taxi to take us 10 miles.. Day two: success.
Hey guys so I was on you tube and I wanted to have a "Who Copied Who" post and to my surprise I found this commercial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYrihesVDcE&feature=related If you look at 0:32 you'll see a red jumper and shirt that looks like AG's red jumper that they had realised in 1998 so maybe AG copied Barbie?
Will we ever know? The answer is : maybe.

~ Caelen12
Tell me what ya think! :)

Its my sisters birthday (Happy birthday little bean!!) and we speant the day at the Malmaison hotel having hot rock massages and Tapas, followed by some of the most incredable coffee and pecan pie this side of the Tyne, Intermezzo is by far my favourite haunt in Newcastle... perfect afternoon!

Now off for an evening of Japanease and cocktails before the fancy dress party tomorrow... wait until you see the outfits!

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